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Your search results
June 27, 2017

An Easy Tip to Place your Vacation Rental Website Higher on Search Engines

One of the easiest and often overlooked way to help place your rental higher on search engines is to look at your competition.

How to research your vacation rental competition.

Perform searches of popular keyword phrases that are used to find your vacation rental.

Examples: Kitty Hawk Vacation Rentals, Kitty Hawk Rentals, Kitty Hawk home rentals…

Look for competitors or owners of vacation rental owners in your area that show in the search results.

Next perform a search of a competitors vacation rental that you found in the search results for the keyword phrases.

Example: Our Kitty Hawk Beach House

What websites is Our Kitty Hawk Beach House listed on? Create a list of all sites that your competitor is listed on.

Add your website to the same sites if possible. By doing this your are recreating the back links that your competition is using to place higher in search engines. Recreating the same links often results in higher placement on search engines.



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