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June 26, 2017

What do Millennials want in a Vacation Rental?

1.We want information.

When looking for a rental we always prefer vacation rentals that provide plenty of information about the property and the area. We are info savvy due to the availability of knowledge at our fingertips with our phones.

2. We like unique.

We prefer unique accommodations. Tell us about your vacation rental and what makes it different from other vacation rentals in the area

3.We like excellent communication

In a world of instant communication we want responses to our inquires quickly. Please be prompt with your reply.

4. Tell us about the area

We are not always familiar with the area we are renting. We would like to hear from owners about events of any type that are scheduled for the season. Best restaurants, Best Bike Rentals, Coffee and Ice Cream shops. The more info the better.

5. Great Photos

We use our iphones for everything including photography. We know a good picture when we see one. Take great photos of your vacation rental and the surrounding area. Highlight the best features of your rental. Roof Decks, patios, porches are favorites.

6. Mobile Website

As Millennials we absorb information at lightning speed. Our phones are a part of our daily lives. Make sure your website is mobile ready. We do most of our transactions online and usually on our phones.


Category: Uncategorized